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Hello tribe it's Regina and I'm excited to announce that today is my 6 year soberversary. How magical is that 🥳?

Honestly y'all I'm so grateful, excited, and driven to continue this work. Let me give you a little backdrop on how I even got started on ni journey. The short version is that I had an overdose on Cocaine in 2017. That said overdose was truly the law straw for me.

I couldn't take my own 💩 anymore. I had to do something. I remember it like it was yesterday. I started reflecting and decided that hmmm I need my why. That "why" happened to come about on my Papa's birthday 08-08-17.

1 month after I embarked on what was the most excruciating journey of my life, I found out that my Papa was diagnosed with Lung 🫁 Cancer. Then 20 months from that he ascended. What could have triggered me to go backwards gave me more push to keep going.

The past 5 1/2 years of advocating for sobriety has kept me accountable to continue to do the self work. The community work, sobriety advocacy and coaching has honestly been my activation & my joy because I love seeing people taking their power back. Issa Celebration 🎉!!!!

Most quiet as I've been able to keep it,

I've been investing and moving forward with the Back To Sobriety app in order to have information and resources accessible to the those who are on their journeys of getting back to sobriety. I mean what better way to coach my tribe than to provide resources, tools, and the ability to book directly through the app, It’s been a hard debate what, how, and when to launch.

And whew yall it's been a few years of research and surveying those I work with to come to the knowledge of where I confidently wanted to go with this all but we've made a lot of process the past 2 years in deciding!!!

My vision was to have it launched by now yet there’s a few more details that I’m adding to bring this vision alive even more. So we are still under construction and developing.

Our goal date is to have the app launched in Spring of 2024 as I recognize rushing the process has not helped us AT ALL.

So whew take a deeeeeeep breath with me.


It's always good to recenter and to refocus.

Now that we have the deets out the way

To contribute by Cashapp here's our handle:


Your contributions are appreciated and as we progress closer to our launch date, we will keep you updated & informed so be sure to subscribe to stay in the loop.

Thank you for reading.

Peace, Love, Wellness & Sobriety to us all!!

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